Monday, October 12, 2009

Artabout in the Coastal Bend

"We get by with a little help from our friends." That song by the Beatles has been running through my head since last night. I'm sure it will go back to the ether when I've gotten through the latest angst in dealing with artistic temperaments, schedule miscommunications, and the challenges of paying the bills while trying to juggle the volunteer work that feeds the soul. You know the story - never enough time or money to do the things you want when you're engaged in multiple projects; all of which are important to you and to the community. Thanks to all of those folks who come to the rescue and go the extra mile to make a difference in our area!!

I've been blessed to come into contact with creative and dynamic people around much of the globe and those that live here in the Coastal Bend are no exception. Go to an artist's house and you'll not only be surrounded by their work but also the work from other artists they admire filling their space (artists are excellent barterers!) . And when I say "filling the space," I don't mean just physically. The emotional aspect of art is as much a part of the work as anything else and varies based on the individual viewing it. Your reaction to an artist's piece is what makes or breaks the connection at that moment.

And the moments change based on what's happening to you in that time period. What turns you off one day may elicit a more positive, meaningful experience next month if you have the chance to view the same work again. Speaking of repeat viewings, it's time again to visit the artists in Port Aransas during their annual "Artabout" this weekend. This is a trail of open studios and open galleries that offers the public behind-the-scenes glimpses of the artists at work. In addition, many of them will be giving live demonstrations of their technique in their home studios. Jake and I will donating a performance during the event at the Port A Gallery in Pelican's Landing. Hope to see you there!
Upcoming Artisan Events:

  • Saturday, October 17, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - "Port A Art About" Open Studio & Gallery Walk, Port Aransas. Maps at Art Center for the Islands. Admission: Free.
  • Saturday, October 17, 5:30 p.m. - "Shorelines" Art Exhibit. On display through November 21. Rockport Center for the Arts. Admission: Free.
  • Tuesday, October 20, 7:00 p.m. - "Rialto Rhythms" Weekly Open Acoustic Jam. Rialto Theater. Admission: Free ($5 contribution suggested).
  • Saturday, October 24, 7:30 p.m. - Concert by Bluesman Jesse Cahn. Rialto Theater. Admission: $12.
  • Fridays and Saturdays through October 31, 7:00 p.m. - "Rocky Horror Show" Musical. Harbor Playhouse. Admission: $16.
  • Saturday, November 1, 5:30 p.m. - "Director's Open House," Rialto Theater. Admission: Free.
  • Saturday, November 1, 7:30 p.m. - "The Manchurian Candidate" Cinema Flashbacks Club. Rialto Theater. Admission: Free to Members, $5 to join.
  • Daily through November 4. - "Fireworks & Bling" Art Exhibit. Art Center for the Islands. Admission: Free.
  • Saturday, November 7 - "Black Tie & Blue Jeans" Annual Gala & Fundraiser celebrating 72nd Anniversary of Rialto Theater's Grand Opening. "Toast of the Coast" Reception, Art by Narice Hopp, and concert by Claude Bourbon. Complimentary champagne. Admission: $15.
  • Daily through January 6 - "Bright Energy," The works of Narice Hopp. Rialto Theater Main Gallery. "Meet the Artist" Reception, November 7, 6:30 p.m. Admission: Free.
Jen Jones is a member of the Board of Directors of the Rialto Theater, an IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization fostering art and education through visual art, music and live stage productions in the historic movie theater in downtown Aransas Pass. Her day job is in real estate at Coldwell Banker Myers-Gallagher. If you have someone you'd like to spotlight in this column, drop her a line

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt

"The things we fear most in organizations - fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances - are the primary sources of creativity." So said Margaret Wheatley, co-founder of The Berkana Institute, a global charitable organization with the motto "Whatever the problem, community is the answer." I've noticed a lot of folks who fear change, uncertainty and doubt but the reality is most progress doesn't occur without it.

Aransas Pass has certainly seen its share of fluctuations, disturbances and imbalances, especially in the political realm. I mean, admit it, you have to wonder occasionally - are we ever going to have a city manager again who gets to stay longer than a few months? Regardless, though, we are making progress in many creative and wondrous ways. As I was driving to Conn Brown Harbor and the Annual Boating Conference event on Thursday, I celebrated how wonderful that area is looking now. Most of the debris is gone and neglected boats have disappeared. We have a Farmer's Market twice a month at the Chamber. We have our own year-round visual and performing arts venue at the historic Rialto Theater downtown. As a realtor, I see a lot of homes renovated and fixed-up around town. Our Civic Center is a great step forward. Yes, we have more to do but I know that with fortitude, our community continues to tackle problem areas, improve and grow.

This column primarily centers around art and creativity and, while it obviously focuses most on the artistic realm, I try to consistently get across the fact that creativity is not an 'artists only' characteristic. I believe everyone has a bit of the artist within. You may not consider yourself one, but that does not mean you cannot be open and creative every day. So, open your mind, open your heart and do something today that gives back to our community - whether you consider it "artistic" or not.

Upcoming Artisan Events:

- Friday, October 9, 7:30 p.m. - "Geezerpalooza" Concert by Steven Fromholz and Vince Bell. Rialto Theater. Admission: $20.
- Fridays and Saturdays through October 9 - "Broken Up" Live Stage Comedy. Port Aransas Community Theatre. Admission: $15.
- Fridays and Saturdays through October 31, 7:00 p.m. - "Rocky Horror Show" Musical. Harbor Playhouse. Admission: $16.
- Sunday, October 11, 7:30 p.m. - Cinema Flashbacks Club. "Rififi" French Crime Masterpiece. Rialto Theater. Admission: Membership $5, Free to Club Members.
- Tuesday, October 13, 7:00 p.m. - "Rialto Rhythms" Weekly Open Acoustic Jam. Rialto Theater. Admission: Free ($5 contribution suggested).
- Saturday, October 24, 7:30 p.m. - Concert by Bluesman Jesse Cahn. Rialto Theater. Admission: $12.
- Daily through October 10 - "(un)natural worlds" Art Exhibit. Rockport Center for the Arts. Admission: Free.
- Daily through November 4. - "Fireworks & Bling" Art Exhibit. Art Center for the Islands. Admission: Free.
- Daily through November 5 - Exhibit of the work of Rockport artist Ed Boyd. Rialto Theater Main Gallery. Admission: Free.
- Saturday, November 7 - "Black Tie & Blue Jeans" Annual Gala & Fundraiser celebrating Rialto Theater's Grand Opening. Admission: $15.

Jen Jones is a member of the Board of Directors of the Rialto Theater, an IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization fostering art and education through visual art, music and live stage productions in the historic movie theater in downtown Aransas Pass. Her day job is in real estate at Coldwell Banker Myers-Gallagher. If you have someone you'd like to spotlight in this column, drop her a line at